1. Biobase::SW
    Class to Contain High-Throughput Assays and Experimental Metadata
  2. Biobase::aaMap
    Dataset: Names and Characteristics of Amino Acids
  3. Biobase::geneCov
    Sample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.
  4. Biobase::geneCovariate
    Sample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.
  5. Biobase::geneData
    Sample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.
    matrix|500 x 26
  6. Biobase::reporter
    Example data.frame representing reporter information
  7. Biobase::sample.ExpressionSet
    Dataset of class 'ExpressionSet'
  8. Biobase::sample.MultiSet
    Data set of class 'MultiSet'
  9. Biobase::seD
    Sample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.
    matrix|500 x 26
  10. biocViews::biocViewsVocab
    Bioconductor Task Views Vocabulary Data
  11. Biostrings::HNF4alpha
    Known HNF4alpha binding sequences
  12. Biostrings::yeastSEQCHR1
    An annotation data file for CHR1 in the yeastSEQ package
  13. iNETgrate::toyCleanedAml
    A subset of cleaned TCGA-LAML data
  14. iNETgrate::toyComputEloci
    A subset of weighted DNA methylation profile of TCGA-LAML data
  15. iNETgrate::toyEigengenes
    A subset of weighted average of gene expression present in each module
    matrix|158 x 4
  16. iNETgrate::toyRawAml
    A subset of TCGA-LAML data
  17. pwalign::BLOSUM100
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|24 x 24
  18. pwalign::BLOSUM45
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|25 x 25
  19. pwalign::BLOSUM50
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|24 x 24
  20. pwalign::BLOSUM62
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|25 x 25
  21. pwalign::BLOSUM80
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|25 x 25
  22. pwalign::PAM120
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|24 x 24
  23. pwalign::PAM250
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|24 x 24
  24. pwalign::PAM30
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|25 x 25
  25. pwalign::PAM40
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|24 x 24
  26. pwalign::PAM70
    Predefined scoring matrices
    matrix|25 x 25
  27. pwalign::phiX174Phage
    Versions of bacteriophage phiX174 complete genome and sample short reads
  28. pwalign::quPhiX174
    Versions of bacteriophage phiX174 complete genome and sample short reads
  29. pwalign::srPhiX174
    Versions of bacteriophage phiX174 complete genome and sample short reads
  30. pwalign::wtPhiX174
    Versions of bacteriophage phiX174 complete genome and sample short reads
  31. Summix::ancestryData