SparseArray objectsUpdated 7 days ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from SparseArray_objects.Rmd in SparseArray 1.5.35.
A quick introduction to the updateObject packageUpdated 16 days ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from updateObject.Rmd in updateObject 1.9.1.
Working with workspaces on AnVIL AzureUpdated 22 days ago

Marcel Ramos, Martin Morgan

Rendered from AnVILAzWorkspaces.Rmd in AnVILAz 0.99.19.
Introduction to the AnVILAz packageUpdated 22 days ago

Marcel Ramos, Martin Morgan

Rendered from IntroductionToAnVILAz.Rmd in AnVILAz 0.99.19.
Installing and Managing Bioconductor PackagesUpdated 1 months ago

Marcel Ramos, Martin Morgan

Rendered from BiocManager.Rmd in BiocManager 1.30.25.
Working with AnVIL on GCPUpdated 2 months ago

Nitesh Turaga, Vincent Carey, BJ Stubbs, Marcel Ramos, Martin Morgan

Rendered from AnVILGCPIntroduction.Rmd in AnVILGCP 0.99.33.
Introduction to AnVILBaseUpdated 3 months ago

Bioconductor AnVIL SIG

Rendered from AnVILBaseIntroduction.Rmd in AnVILBase 0.99.27.
Accessing the KEGG REST APIUpdated 3 months ago

Bioconductor Package Maintainer

Rendered from KEGGREST-vignette.Rmd in KEGGREST 1.45.1.
ENmix User's GuideUpdated 3 months ago

Zongli Xu, Liang Niu, Jack Taylor

Rendered from ENmix.Rmd in ENmix 1.41.2.
An Introduction to the GenomicRanges PackageUpdated 3 months ago

Marc Carlson, Patrick Aboyoun, Hervé Pagès, and Martin Morgan

Rendered from GenomicRangesIntroduction.Rmd in GenomicRanges 1.57.1.
GenomicRanges HOWTOs Updated 3 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from GenomicRangesHOWTOs.Rnw in GenomicRanges 1.57.1.
MultipleAlignment ObjectsUpdated 3 months ago

Marc Carlson, Beryl Kanali

Rendered from MultipleAlignments.Rmd in Biostrings 2.73.1.
VariantExperiment: A RangedSummarizedExperiment Container for Large-Scale Variant Data with GDS BackendUpdated 4 months ago

Qian Liu

Rendered from VariantExperiment-class.Rmd in VariantExperiment 1.19.2.
GDSArray: Representing GDS files as array-like objectsUpdated 4 months ago

Qian Liu, Hervé Pagès, Martin Morgan

Rendered from GDSArray.Rmd in GDSArray 1.25.2.
Questions and answers from over the yearsUpdated 4 months ago

Sean Davis

Rendered from questions-and-answers.Rmd in GenomicDataCommons 1.29.4.
Working with large arrays in R (slides from July 2017) Updated 5 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from A-Working_with_large_arrays.Rnw in DelayedArray 0.31.11.
Implementing A DelayedArray BackendUpdated 5 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from B-Implementing_a_backend.Rmd in DelayedArray 0.31.11.
A DelayedArray / HDF5Array update (slides from April 2021) Updated 5 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from C-DelayedArray_HDF5Array_update.Rnw in DelayedArray 0.31.11.
The GenomicDataCommons PackageUpdated 5 months ago

Sean Davis & Martin Morgan

Rendered from overview.Rmd in GenomicDataCommons 1.29.4.
Working with simple somatic mutationsUpdated 5 months ago

Sean Davis

Rendered from somatic_mutations.Rmd in GenomicDataCommons 1.29.4.
An Introduction to ShortReadUpdated 5 months ago

Martin Morgan, Rohit Satyam

Rendered from Overview.Rmd in ShortRead 1.63.1.
Biostrings Quick OverviewUpdated 5 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from BiostringsQuickOverview.Rnw in Biostrings 2.73.1.
Pairwise Sequence AlignmentsUpdated 5 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from PairwiseAlignments.Rnw in Biostrings 2.73.1.
Summix2Updated 5 months ago

Audrey Hendricks

Rendered from Summix.rmd in Summix 2.11.0.
AnnotationHub How-To'sUpdated 5 months ago

Bioconductor Package Maintainer

Rendered from AnnotationHub-HOWTO.Rmd in AnnotationHub 3.13.3.
The UCSC.utils packageUpdated 5 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from UCSC.utils.Rmd in UCSC.utils 1.1.0.
BiocCheck: Ensuring Bioconductor package guidelinesUpdated 5 months ago

Marcel Ramos

Rendered from BiocCheck.Rmd in BiocCheck 1.41.17.
A quick overview of the S4Arrays packageUpdated 5 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from S4Arrays_quick_overview.Rmd in S4Arrays 1.5.7.
A quick introduction to the BSgenomeForge packageUpdated 5 months ago

Atuhurira Kirabo Kakopo, Hervé Pagès

Rendered from QuickBSgenomeForge.Rmd in BSgenomeForge 1.5.0.
An Overview of the S4Vectors packageUpdated 6 months ago

Patrick Aboyoun, Michael Lawrence, Hervé Pagès

Rendered from S4VectorsOverview.Rmd in S4Vectors 0.43.2.
Making TxDb ObjectsUpdated 6 months ago

Marc Carlson, Patrick Aboyoun, Hervé Pagès, Seth Falcon, Martin Morgan

Rendered from txdbmaker.Rmd in txdbmaker 1.1.1.
How to forge a BSgenome data packageUpdated 6 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from BSgenomeForge.Rnw in BSgenome 1.73.1.
Advanced BSgenomeForge usageUpdated 6 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from AdvancedBSgenomeForge.Rnw in BSgenomeForge 1.5.0.
Using SQL-backed DataFramesUpdated 6 months ago

Qian Liu, Aaron Lun, Martin Morgan

Rendered from SQLDataFrame_userguide.Rmd in SQLDataFrame 1.19.0.
Working with aligned nucleotides (WORK-IN-PROGRESS!)Updated 6 months ago

Hervé Pagès, Halimat C. Atanda

Rendered from WorkingWithAlignedNucleotides.Rmd in GenomicAlignments 1.41.0.
Pairwise Sequence AlignmentsUpdated 6 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from PairwiseAlignments.Rnw in pwalign 1.1.0.
Obtaining and Utilizing TxDb ObjectsUpdated 6 months ago

Marc Carlson, Patrick Aboyoun, Hervé Pagès, Seth Falcon, Martin Morgan

Rendered from GenomicFeatures.Rmd in GenomicFeatures 1.57.0.
Counting reads with summarizeOverlapsUpdated 7 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from summarizeOverlaps.Rnw in GenomicAlignments 1.41.0.
Using oligonucleotide microarray reporter sequence information for preprocessing and quality assessmentUpdated 7 months ago

Wolfgang Huber, Robert Gentleman

Rendered from matchprobes.Rmd in Biostrings 2.73.1.
Efficient genome searching with Biostrings and the BSgenome data packagesUpdated 7 months ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from GenomeSearching.Rnw in BSgenome 1.73.1.
RaggedExperimentUpdated 8 months ago

Martin Morgan, Marcel Ramos

Rendered from RaggedExperiment.Rmd in RaggedExperiment 1.29.3.
SummarizedExperiment for Coordinating Experimental Assays, Samples, and Regions of InterestUpdated 9 months ago

Martin Morgan, Valerie Obenchain, Jim Hester, Hervé Pagès

Rendered from SummarizedExperiment.Rmd in SummarizedExperiment 1.35.1.
ExperimentHub: Access the ExperimentHub Web ServiceUpdated 9 months ago

Bioconductor Package Maintainer

Rendered from ExperimentHub.Rmd in ExperimentHub 2.13.1.
AnnotationHub: Access the AnnotationHub Web ServiceUpdated 9 months ago

Bioconductor Package Maintainer

Rendered from AnnotationHub.Rmd in AnnotationHub 3.13.3.
Troubleshoot The HubsUpdated 9 months ago

Lori Shepherd

Rendered from TroubleshootingTheHubs.Rmd in AnnotationHub 3.13.3.
Motivation and use of RhtslibUpdated 11 months ago

Nathaniel Hayden, Martin Morgan

Rendered from Rhtslib.Rmd in Rhtslib 3.1.0.
Introduction to BiocParallel Updated 1 years ago

Valerie Obenchain, Vincent Carey, Michael Lawrence, Phylis Atieno, Martin Morgan

Rendered from Introduction_To_BiocParallel.Rmd in BiocParallel 1.39.0. A package for retrieving data from the UniProt web serviceUpdated 1 years ago

Marc Carlson

Rendered from in 2.45.1.
iNETgrate: Integrating gene expression and DNA methylation data in a gene networkUpdated 1 years ago

Habil Zare

Rendered from iNETgrate_inference.Rnw in iNETgrate 1.3.0.
ASCAT to RaggedExperimentUpdated 1 years ago

Lydia King, Marcel Ramos

Rendered from ASCAT_to_RaggedExperiment.Rmd in RaggedExperiment 1.29.3.
Authoring R Markdown vignettesUpdated 1 years ago

Andrzej Oleś, Wolfgang Huber, Martin Morgan

Rendered from AuthoringRmdVignettes.Rmd in BiocStyle 2.33.1.
An Introduction to RsamtoolsUpdated 1 years ago

Martin Morgan, Samuel Busayo

Rendered from Rsamtools-Overview.Rmd in Rsamtools 2.21.1.
Errors, Logs and Debugging Updated 1 years ago

Martin Morgan

Rendered from Errors_Logs_And_Debugging.Rnw in BiocParallel 1.39.0.
BiocHubsShiny: Interactive Display of Hub ResourcesUpdated 2 years ago

Marcel Ramos, Vincent J. Carey

Rendered from BiocHubsShiny.Rmd in BiocHubsShiny 1.5.1.
Creating A Hub Package: ExperimentHub or AnnotationHubUpdated 2 years ago

Valerie Obenchain, Lori Shepherd, and Kayla Interdonato

Rendered from CreateAHubPackage.Rmd in HubPub 1.13.0.
An Overview of the BiocIO packageUpdated 2 years ago

Daniel Van Twisk, Martin Morgan

Rendered from BiocIO.Rmd in BiocIO 1.15.2.
Submitting your organism to GenomeInfoDbUpdated 2 years ago

Sonali Arora, H. Khan

Rendered from Accept-organism-for-GenomeInfoDb.Rmd in GenomeInfoDb 1.41.1.
Ten Things You Didn't Know (slides from BioC 2016) Updated 2 years ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from Ten_things_slides.Rnw in GenomicRanges 1.57.1.
Rle Tips and TricksUpdated 2 years ago

Patrick Aboyoun, Beryl Kanali

Rendered from RleTricks.Rmd in S4Vectors 0.43.2.
Introduction to BatchtoolsParam Updated 2 years ago

Martin Morgan

Rendered from BiocParallel_BatchtoolsParam.Rnw in BiocParallel 1.39.0.
Biobase development and the new eSetUpdated 2 years ago

Martin T. Morgan, H. Khan

Rendered from BiobaseDevelopment.Rmd in Biobase 2.65.1.
esApply IntroductionUpdated 2 years ago

R. Gentleman, V. Carey, M. Morgan, S. Falcon, H. Khan

Rendered from esApply.Rmd in Biobase 2.65.1.
BiocBaseUtils Quick StartUpdated 2 years ago

Bioconductor Core Team

Rendered from BiocBaseUtils.Rmd in BiocBaseUtils 1.7.3.
HOWTO generate biocViews HTMLUpdated 2 years ago

S. Falcon and V.J. Carey

Rendered from HOWTO-BCV.Rmd in biocViews 1.73.1.
HOWTO generate repository HTMLUpdated 2 years ago

S. Falcon

Rendered from createReposHtml.Rmd in biocViews 1.73.1.
Random Numbers in BiocParallelUpdated 2 years ago

Martin Morgan

Rendered from Random_Numbers.Rmd in BiocParallel 1.39.0.
DelayedDataFrame: an on-disk represention of DataFrameUpdated 3 years ago

Qian Liu, Hervé Pagès, Martin Morgan

Rendered from DelayedDataFrame.Rmd in DelayedDataFrame 1.21.0.
HubPub: Help with publication of Hub packagesUpdated 3 years ago

Kayla Interdonato, Martin Morgan

Rendered from HubPub.Rmd in HubPub 1.13.0.
Introduction To Bioconductor Annotation Packages Updated 4 years ago

Bioconductor Package Maintainer

Rendered from IntroToAnnotationPackages.Rnw in AnnotationDbi 1.67.0.
A quick introduction to GRanges and GRangesList objects (slides) Updated 4 years ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from GRanges_and_GRangesList_slides.Rnw in GenomicRanges 1.57.1.
A quick overview of the S4 class systemUpdated 4 years ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from S4QuickOverview.Rnw in S4Vectors 0.43.2.
GenomeInfoDb: Introduction to GenomeInfoDbUpdated 4 years ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from GenomeInfoDb.Rnw in GenomeInfoDb 1.41.1.
Splicing graphs and RNA-seq dataUpdated 5 years ago

H. Pagès

Rendered from SplicingGraphs.Rnw in SplicingGraphs 1.45.0.
(Deprecated) How to use bimaps from the ".db" annotation packages Updated 6 years ago

Bioconductor Package Maintainer

Rendered from AnnotationDbi.Rnw in AnnotationDbi 1.67.0.
Extending the SummarizedExperiment classUpdated 6 years ago

Aaron Lun

Rendered from Extensions.Rmd in SummarizedExperiment 1.35.1.
An introduction to Biobase and ExpressionSetsUpdated 6 years ago

Bioconductor Package Maintainer

Rendered from ExpressionSetIntroduction.Rnw in Biobase 2.65.1.
An Introduction to the GenomicAlignments PackageUpdated 6 years ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from GenomicAlignmentsIntroduction.Rnw in GenomicAlignments 1.41.0.
An Overview of the IRanges packageUpdated 6 years ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from IRangesOverview.Rnw in IRanges 2.39.2.
Facilities for Filtering Bioconductor Annotation ResourcesUpdated 6 years ago

Bioconductor Package Maintainer

Rendered from AnnotationFilter.Rmd in AnnotationFilter 1.29.0.
Overlap encodingsUpdated 7 years ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from OverlapEncodings.Rnw in GenomicAlignments 1.41.0.
Bioconductor LaTeX Style 2.0Updated 7 years ago

Bioconductor Package

Rendered from LatexStyle2.Rnw in BiocStyle 2.33.1.
Organism.dplyrUpdated 7 years ago

Martin Morgan

Rendered from Organism.dplyr.Rmd in Organism.dplyr 1.33.0.
Extending GenomicRanges Updated 8 years ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from ExtendingGenomicRanges.Rnw in GenomicRanges 1.57.1.
A short presentation of the basic classes defined in Biostrings 2Updated 11 years ago

Hervé Pagès

Rendered from Biostrings2Classes.Rnw in Biostrings 2.73.1.